/ Lincoln Construction

Bob Evans FarmsOwens Prepared Foods Plant

Foundational Trait: Predictable Results

The finished $8.3 million expansion includes production lines, ovens, spiral freezers, freezer and cooler warehouse storage, tuff coat floor drains.

When Bob Evans ran into trouble with the design and budget for their Sulphur Spring Texas plant, they called a trusted friend, Lincoln Construction, as their building partner since 1978 to help get the project back on track.  

Initially, Bob Evans had another design team in place for the Owens Prepared Foods facility expansion. As they developed the plans, the budget spiraled to an unacceptable level. Several million dollars over the target number, Bob Evans asked us to study the plans and offer suggestions to Value Engineer the project. Instead of working backwards with the current drawings, we offered to assemble a new design team to meet their building and budget requirements. Over the next 60 days, we developed a completely new design that met the clients requirements, and cost millions less. But don’t just take our word for it … 

“The successful project in Sulphur Springs is not surprising to me–I can point to a nearly 30-year relationship with Lincoln where your concern and dedication have been instrumental for our building program. Whether it was our headquarters in 1985 or distribution centers in 2001 and 2007, your team’s thoughts on innovative strategies, hand-on and personal management style, and consistent representation of our interests truly differentiates your firm. We look forward to extending our relationship another 30 years.”
– Charles Schlosshan, Director of Engineering at Bob Evans Farms

"In the field, the highest compliment that I can give is that everyone consistently watched out for our best interests... it is evident that your men feel personally responsible for delivering great results--something you do not see every day."
- Charles Schlosshan, Bob Evans Farms

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